The Hazda Grandmother Theory, also known as the Grandmother Hypothesis, states that grandmothers are actually responsible for the evolution of humans as a species. This may seem far fetched, but many Hazda people live their lives with this principle in mind.

According to anthropologists that spent years studying Hazda hunter-gatherers in Tanzania, grandmothers are imperative to the survival of the children. Grandmothers are more than useful, perhaps the pillar of each family, spending their days foraging while making sure no children were left behind.

The presence of the Grandmother ensured that children were always taken care of. These contributions alone made it possible for villages and tribes to thrive, grow and reproduce.

The Hazda Grandmother Theory is proven documentation that suggests there is an evolutionary reason that females of many species, humans included, live past the age of reproduction. Of course, this statement may seem too far-fetched for our society of today.

However, a discovery that throws some science behind the theory of exactly how humans were able to evolve to live for such a long lifespan is pretty amazing. Grandmothers were able to provide the support needed for humans to survive and adapt.

While it’s important to not discredit medical intervention for the length of our current lifespan, the Hazda people believe increased grandmothering has contributed to survival and societal growth over the last 60,000 years.

The Hazda Grandmother Theory holds a beautiful story for Tanzanian families. Rich in culture, love and bonds, this concept is a beautiful testament that there is nothing that can match the strength of the Grandmother. In Tanzania, family roots run deep and bonds rarely waver.

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The Hazda Grandmother Theory, also known as the Grandmother Hypothesis, states that grandmothers are actually responsible for the evolution of humans as a species. This may seem far fetched, but many Hazda people live their lives with this principle in mind.

According to anthropologists that spent years studying Hazda hunter-gatherers in Tanzania, grandmothers are imperative to the survival of the children. Grandmothers are more than useful, perhaps the pillar of each family, spending their days foraging while making sure no children were left behind.

The presence of the Grandmother ensured that children were always taken care of. These contributions alone made it possible for villages and tribes to thrive, grow and reproduce.

The Hazda Grandmother Theory is proven documentation that suggests there is an evolutionary reason that females of many species, humans included, live past the age of reproduction. Of course, this statement may seem too far-fetched for our society of today.

However, a discovery that throws some science behind the theory of exactly how humans were able to evolve to live for such a long lifespan is pretty amazing. Grandmothers were able to provide the support needed for humans to survive and adapt.

While it’s important to not discredit medical intervention for the length of our current lifespan, the Hazda people believe increased grandmothering has contributed to survival and societal growth over the last 60,000 years.

The Hazda Grandmother Theory holds a beautiful story for Tanzanian families. Rich in culture, love and bonds, this concept is a beautiful testament that there is nothing that can match the strength of the Grandmother. In Tanzania, family roots run deep and bonds rarely waver.