I just returned from another safari with Adam. On this trip, I met up with my niece Sheri and her husband David after they completed their hike up Kili to summit on July 24. I arrived at the airport on the 25th, greeted by Adam and Zubeda, always with roses. During our drive to Lake Duliti Lodge, we were able to chat about what was in store for the next 8 days. After dinner, a hot shower and good nights sleep was in order. We enjoyed breakfast at the lodge, Adam arrived and off we went to start our adventure. This was Sheri and David first safari. Sheri wanted to see elephants, David lions and I was glad to be going back into the bush. I love it all, the vastness of the country, the people, the animals especially all of the big cats.
From the first minute in Tarangire National Park we saw elephants, all sizes, dazzle of zebra, wildebeest, monkeys and Maasai chief with tribesmen. We would spent 2 nights lodging at Tarangire Treetops (treehouses) don’t miss staying here. We spent your second day at the Tarangire marsh, a full day of elephants, herd after herd. Oh what fun they had in the marsh. Our next stop, Lake Manyara game drive then we drove to the rim of Ngorongoro Crater, arriving at Lamala Tented Camp for an overnight stay. Early the next morning with breakfast and lunch packed we drove down to the Crater floor game driving, able to see the “Big Five. Leaving the Crater we continued with full game drive to the Central Serengeti. I barely took time to drink water, I didn’t want to miss that “Kodak moment”. Adam with his keen eye, caught site of a serval lurking in the tall grass, so we stopped to watch it hunt. Leopard on top of kopje looking for his next meal, male lion eating on a cape buffalo, this and more before we reached KubuKubu tented camp for 2 nights. My first stay here, highly recommend it. The next day after a delicious breakfast, and taking a box lunch we were off again. Lions, cheetahs, Grant’s and Thomson’s Gazelle, a leopard up in a sausage tree resting after stashing a Thomson’s Gazelle up in the top branches. What a great day, now time to retreat back to camp for drinks and dinner, can’t wait. We journeyed on to the North Serengeti to the Mara River. On our way, we watched as a herd of elephants stopped on kopjes to drink water, down the road, Giraffes 19 in the group crossed our path, then a special sighting, 2 male lions along with a lioness with 2 cubs 8-12 weeks old. We watched as she carefully carried one cub into the brush with the other close behind. We arrived at our final camp, Serengeti Bushtops, again my first visit. OMG, what a beautiful place. Check it out and stay here for sure. Up early and out with breakfast and lunch packed we were off to the the river hoping to see a wildebeest crossing. Our time at the river was not as we expected. We drive the river all day from early morning to just about sundown, disappointed we returned to camp. There were 3 possible crossings, but each time they failed. When the wildebeest would see hippos or crocs in the water or a skittish zebra, they would retreat. We just ran out of time. Adam even drove the river the next morning before taking us for our return flight to Arusha, but now luck. The grass was still too tasty on our side of the river from the evening rainstorms. This was a 5 star safari as usual, Adam with all of his knowledge and love for the animals, people and his country. Our lodges and camps, with their delicious food and excellent staff. Of course, Nandi and Zubeda
all of your work, another excellent job. I can’t express my thanks to all of you. Another extraordinary adventure. Travel safe my friends.
When planning a trip no need to look any further than PAS.

Note: I traveled to South Africa for safari in September 2017, no way did it measure up to PAS and Tanzania.

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I just returned from another safari with Adam. On this trip, I met up with my niece Sheri and her husband David after they completed their hike up Kili to summit on July 24. I arrived at the airport on the 25th, greeted by Adam and Zubeda, always with roses. During our drive to Lake Duliti Lodge, we were able to chat about what was in store for the next 8 days. After dinner, a hot shower and good nights sleep was in order. We enjoyed breakfast at the lodge, Adam arrived and off we went to start our adventure. This was Sheri and David first safari. Sheri wanted to see elephants, David lions and I was glad to be going back into the bush. I love it all, the vastness of the country, the people, the animals especially all of the big cats.
From the first minute in Tarangire National Park we saw elephants, all sizes, dazzle of zebra, wildebeest, monkeys and Maasai chief with tribesmen. We would spent 2 nights lodging at Tarangire Treetops (treehouses) don’t miss staying here. We spent your second day at the Tarangire marsh, a full day of elephants, herd after herd. Oh what fun they had in the marsh. Our next stop, Lake Manyara game drive then we drove to the rim of Ngorongoro Crater, arriving at Lamala Tented Camp for an overnight stay. Early the next morning with breakfast and lunch packed we drove down to the Crater floor game driving, able to see the “Big Five. Leaving the Crater we continued with full game drive to the Central Serengeti. I barely took time to drink water, I didn’t want to miss that “Kodak moment”. Adam with his keen eye, caught site of a serval lurking in the tall grass, so we stopped to watch it hunt. Leopard on top of kopje looking for his next meal, male lion eating on a cape buffalo, this and more before we reached KubuKubu tented camp for 2 nights. My first stay here, highly recommend it. The next day after a delicious breakfast, and taking a box lunch we were off again. Lions, cheetahs, Grant’s and Thomson’s Gazelle, a leopard up in a sausage tree resting after stashing a Thomson’s Gazelle up in the top branches. What a great day, now time to retreat back to camp for drinks and dinner, can’t wait. We journeyed on to the North Serengeti to the Mara River. On our way, we watched as a herd of elephants stopped on kopjes to drink water, down the road, Giraffes 19 in the group crossed our path, then a special sighting, 2 male lions along with a lioness with 2 cubs 8-12 weeks old. We watched as she carefully carried one cub into the brush with the other close behind. We arrived at our final camp, Serengeti Bushtops, again my first visit. OMG, what a beautiful place. Check it out and stay here for sure. Up early and out with breakfast and lunch packed we were off to the the river hoping to see a wildebeest crossing. Our time at the river was not as we expected. We drive the river all day from early morning to just about sundown, disappointed we returned to camp. There were 3 possible crossings, but each time they failed. When the wildebeest would see hippos or crocs in the water or a skittish zebra, they would retreat. We just ran out of time. Adam even drove the river the next morning before taking us for our return flight to Arusha, but now luck. The grass was still too tasty on our side of the river from the evening rainstorms. This was a 5 star safari as usual, Adam with all of his knowledge and love for the animals, people and his country. Our lodges and camps, with their delicious food and excellent staff. Of course, Nandi and Zubeda
all of your work, another excellent job. I can’t express my thanks to all of you. Another extraordinary adventure. Travel safe my friends.
When planning a trip no need to look any further than PAS.

Note: I traveled to South Africa for safari in September 2017, no way did it measure up to PAS and Tanzania.

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